Thursday, April 18, 2013

Ah yes...Social Networking....

The internet is truly a powerful tool as a networking medium. To elaborate a little, I am what you might call a hermit, if I have no reason to, I simple see no reason to leave the comfort of my home. Yet, despite my reclusive nature, I never fail to surprise my friends that I am aware of the happening in their lives or that we know mutual friends whom we have never introduced to each other. The secret? Why, Social Networking of course! Now I am guessing everyone has a Facebook account...well not EVERYONE, I do know a few who do not go on Facebook but the point is that Facebook on its own has many users of whom are friends with one another.

Now I recall back when I was doing SOC101, on social relations, we went on the topic of the 6 degrees of separation. It means that people actually have friends who knows people from other parts of the world within up to 6 different circle of friends. Now I am a proponent of this idea on a micro-level and its because I have found many friends on social media through mutual friends. It is through Facebook as a medium where my friends post their status updates that I keep myself up to date to the happenings in my friend's lives. While it may not always be the best platform to remain connected as there is still a barrier between us and the person, it still allows us to get a gist of what is happening.

I have been on Facebook coming what...5yrs now? I still think that it will be a strong platform for the next few years and till then, I will continue stalking you on Facebook......Beware......